Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sate Manis (Sweet Sate)

1/2 pound of any meat you like (chicken/beef/pork)
3 Tbs of sweet soy sauce (kecap manis)
1 Tbs of brown sugar
1 Tbs of granulated sugar
1 Tbs of coriander (ketumbar)
Pinch of galangal (laos)
Pinch of cumin (jinten)
Pinch of lemon grass
1/2 teaspoon of ginger
3 Tbs of lime juice
3 cloves of garlic
2 cloves of shallots
Pinch of salt & pepper

How to make:
1. Tenderize the meat with a meat tenderizer, then cut them in strips. Pour lime juice on it.
2. Fine chop garlic, shallots, and ginger.
3. Put the chopped garlic and shallots and all the rest of the ingredients into the meat.
4. Store and marinate the meat with all the seasonings for 2 hours or more.
5. Stick the meat onto the skewers, then grill them.
6. Ready to serve.

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