Friday, March 4, 2011

Martabak Telor Mini

1/2 pound of ground beef.
1/2 onion.
5 stems of green onion.
4 - 5 eggs.
3 cloves of garlic.
4 cloves of shallot.
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of pepper
3 Tbs of olive oil (to saute the meat)
Vegetable oil or Canola oil (to fry the Martabak)
Lumpia wrappers

How to make:
1. Crush/chop garlic and shallot.
2. Thin slice onion and green onion.
3. In a medium heated saute pan, put the garlic and shallots to soften. Then put the ground beef, onion, salt & pepper, and stir it until it is cooked.
4. In a separate bowl, put eggs and thin sliced green onion and mix it.
5. When the meat is cooked and cooled, put them in the bowl together with the eggs mixture, then blend them.
6.  Heat the frying pan in a medium heat with a bit of vegetable oil, just enough to fry the martabak.
8. On a flat plate, lay a lumpia wrapper and pour a couple spoon of the mixture. Fold it so it shapes like a square envelope.
8. Fry the martabak. Flip them when the bottom side turns brown.

How to serve:
1. It is better to serve them when they are just made for the crispiness. If you happen to store them in the fridge, you can heat them up in the oven in a low heat for 5-10 minutes to make them crispy again.
2. For those who like spicy, you can enjoy them with some fresh green chillies.

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