Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sambal Goreng Kentang, Udang, Pete

2 cups of small size peeled shrimps.
2 big potatoes.
1/2 - 1 cup of Sator/Pete*
3 cloves of garlic.
3 cloves of shallots
1/4 cup of ground chillies
5 big diced Tomatoes
1/2 cup of coconut milk (optional - the picture doesn't use coconut milk)
Salt & Pepper (as you desire)
1/2 cup of granulated sugar
 A pinch of shrimp paste/Terasi* (optional)
Oil (just enough for frying the potatoes)

How to make:
1. Cut the potatoes into cubes, then fry them. Set aside.
2. Crush/chop garlic and shallots.
3. On a saute pan, cook crushed garlic until yellowish, then add crushed shallot and sators.
4. When the garlic and shallots soften, add diced tomatoes, salt & pepper, sugar, and shrimp paste.
5. Pour the coconut milk (if you like).
6. Add the fried diced potatoes and the shrimps.
7. Stir them until the sauce thickens. Ready to serve.

* Sator/Pete is a kind of vegetable that it can be found at some Asian groceries.
* Terasi is a thicken shrimp paste. Some people prefer not using this ingredient because of its strong smell. It can be found at some Asian groceries.


  1. Hi, then what about the shrimps? : )

    1. Apologize for that. I have just added the shrimps. Thanks for the reminder :0)
